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Trusted by over 70,000 customers and 73% of the Fortune 100

98% of organisations gloablly have relationships with at least one BREACHED Third-Party

Cyber risk is distributed beyond 1st party

There’s a large, unmet need for supply chain defence. Many companies don’t know who all their supply chain partners are.
Gain a complete understanding of your attack surface and business ecosystem risk.
Know in an instant whether an organisation deserves your trust and show others that you deserve theirs.
From security ratings and third-party risk management to digital forensics and incident response, SecurityScorecard is here for you.

Data Collection

Global sensor network crawling the Internet from over 50 locations

27B+ vulnerabilities gathered per week and 750M+ malware infections per day (top 5 sinkhole)

Attack surface discovery

Patented capabilities discover company attack surface

Attribution of attack surface to any organisation, worldwide

ML-Powered data processing

Data processing engine aggregates signals to enhance accuracy

Hundreds of risk factors over 10 security categories

ML based risk severity model that learns from user feedback

A-F Rating for 12M+ Companies

Fair, accurate, and predictive scoring model with low scores 5.4x – 13.8x more likely to breach

10+ years of historical data and user contributed data

Benchmark your Cyber Security Posture

Take control of your Cyber Security Risk and Reputation.

security scorecard image for website


Our partnership with the Australian Cyber Security Centre

Generation-e has partnered with the Australian Cyber Security Centre which monitors for cyber security threats from a range of local and global sources, including through government and business computer emergency response teams (CERTs) around the world.

As partners, we receive threat intelligence consisting of context-rich, actionable, and timely information. 

This intelligence:

  • Gives us a simplified, fast and secure exchange of cyber threat information so we can prioritise and implement countermeasures in the face of a threat
  • Improves the quality, scope and consistency of threat information
  • Enables more effective, real-time decision making

“We saved millions of dollars and still had a premium finish. In reality, the saving was not as significant compared to how nice the new equipment was, the rooms look brilliant, the devices were easy to setup for our users. Overall, we could not be happier with our approach and outcome.”

Carlo De-FazioTechnology Officer at Grant Thornton Australia

More Services and Solutions

Explore our complementary solutions to further enhance your experience and meet your diverse needs.

Talk to us about cost-effective solutions to empower your hybrid environment.

Take the next step and connect with us today to discover more!